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Time Switch Based Security System

Model : N/A

Product Summary

It consist time switch along with the siren and
electronics circuit. Reed switches can be connected
to doors and windows. The operation of the time
based security system is programmed by the time
switch. For particular duration system works
automatically. For example if one of the window or
door is opened by the unauthorized person siren
produces the big sound for one minute.

Product Details

Perfect Electronics has been introduced advanced security system, which is first in India, It consists time switch, magnetic sensor, e electronics control circuit and 12V operated police siren (motorized). This high tech system is very useful for home security; any nighttime duration can be programmed in the time switch say 12.30a.m. To 4.00 a.m. magnetic sensor is attached to the main door of the home. If door is opened/closed during any time except above duration, siren will not start but if door is opened by thief during 12.30 A.M. to 4.00 A.M then starting of siren, even if thief closed door immediately. Siren will stop till 5 minutes but if door is kept open by the thief then siren produces sound for 5 minutes then it will off for the next 5 minutes then start siren for next 5 minutes this process continues till any body switch of the system manually. It has a facility of variable delay time for the siren between 5-10 minutes. Additional magnetic sensors are used in series for another doors with same system. Such advanced security system can be used in banks, colleges, schools, industries etc. This system is having back-up facility so that even if main switch of power is made off by the thief system will work property;

Product Features :
Operating input voltage: AC 230V
Output voltage: DC 230V
It operates only for programmed time duration.
It can be used in industries, banks, homes etc

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