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64 Times Automatic Lecture Bell system

Model : PE 6418

Product Summary

It consist bell driver and electrical bell along with
programmable time switch. Various timings in a day
can be program in time switch. Accordingly bell
rings with delay time of 4/6 seconds. Weekly
program can be done. It can be for the schools,
colleges and industries to drive bell automatically.

Product Details

Perfect Electronics has been developed the product of programmable bell driver for the colleges, which will be first in world. It includes built-in clock. Maximum 16/32 timings can be feed to the unit. If one select weekly program mode then same timings for every day will be accepted. If desired, program can be feed so that bell will not sound on Sunday. Of course different timings can be feed every day. 4/6 seconds delay for every time is given so that bell will sound only for selected delay time. So peon is not required to sound the bell after the end of every lecture in the college/school. If mains power is failed, bell will not sound but built-in clock is operating on back-up cell so programmed times will not be disturbed. During the mains failure, UPS cum EPS can be used with this system so that bell sound during the mains failure also. System can be used as home security system or electronic watchman (night timings can be feed). Electric siren can be used instead of bell. It can be used for the company which works in thee shifts in a day. Load can be connected up to 500 watts. -: For higher load design is also undertaken. It can be used as security guard i.e. night timings can be feed so that the same unit can do the job of night watchman.

Product Features :
Operating input voltage: AC 230V.
Output voltage: AC 230V with delay time.
Output delay time 4 to 8 second.
Real time clock, 24 hours with seconds display.
Weekly times can be program.
If power fails programmed times will not be change due to internal backup cell

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