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Single IC 50 Hertz Mosfet driver for Inverter

Model : N/A

Product Summary

It is compact inverter which consist of small number
of components. Therefore cost of the inverter is
very low. IC used in the circuit is not programmable.
This card produces two outputs with 180° phase
difference. Same card can be used to get power of
50W to 10 KW

Product Details

It consists of single IC that drives the MOSFETS in two channels along with inverter transformer. Therefore using the same module . One can
drive the load from 50 Watts to 10 Kw. load by changing design of the inverter transformer and increasing input DC voltage and keeping fix no.
of MOSFETS in two channels.
Module also consists of the facility of low battery indication , Low battery cut - off and no load cut - off . It consist of no charger section , It can
operate on 12 V , 24V, 48V, 96V etc. to achieve the required power.

Product Features :
Operating voltage : 12 V DC
Output voltage : AC 230 V
Output voltage frequency : 50Hz
It is MOSFET based inverter

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