Welcome to Perfect Electronics

Impossible can make possible...

Welcome to Perfect Electronics. This website has been developed to provide details of our product instant to visitor. This website contents all products which are first in world like Auto Lecture Bell system, Electronics Experimental Boards using double sided PTH boards, electronics projects for engineering students. Perfect Electronics is also undertaken the development of website of college. New office software Quick Correspondence 2009 has been developed which maintains inward and outward registers automatically and second software Automatic generation of preprogram notices for the staff member (It need not type every notices in every year. This website contents software which is designed by Perfect Electronics.

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Products manufactured by the PERFECT ELECTRONICS will be given service support to the customers within and after guaranty period. Free online help will be given to the customer on phone. If problem is not solved by the online help, service engineer will visit a customers place within the distance of 300 Kms from the Wai city. If distance of location of the customer is above 300Kms. Service will be given by post that means customer should send the faulty product by RPP and after repair, product is sent to the customer by RPP.
Development of each product of the company is made under the guidance of our technical consultant Dr. R.V. Dhekale (MSc, M.Phil, Ph.D in Electro nics). Head Deptt. Of physics, Kisan Veer Mahavidhyalaya Wai-412803 Distt-Satara (Maharashtra). Company is always manufactured new product swhich are not nor mally available in the market. After development of each produ ct in various electronic maga zines news paper etc. Copy right of each product has been reserved.
Company has concentrated to manu facture the latest educational products such as auto lecture bell system, electrical and electronics experimental boards using double sided (PTH) PCBs for the department of physics, electronics and computer science. Apart from that various softwares are developed for the colleges and projects for the electronic engineers and hobbyist are developed. All above products are first in India or world. Research and development is continuously going on for the new products.
Get Free Demo of Auto Lecuture Bell
System for 15 days

Contact Info
Perfect Electronics.
Behind S.T. Stand Dattanagar Wai
Email: perfectelectronics2019@gmail.com
Phone: (+91) 02167-265121
Mobile: (+91) 982-22-41255
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