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Cordless Power Line Intercom

Model : N/A

Product Summary

It consist transmitter and receiver in a same phase
line and 300 m distance apart. Transmitter is having
on board condenser mic therefore audio signal from
condenser mic is mixed with the carrier frequency of
140 KHz and such modulated signal is introduced in
mains phase line. Such signals goes over the
distance of 300m. Power line receiver can detect
thsignals transmitted by the transmitter.

Product Details

Perfect Electronics has been introduced “Cordless Power line Intercom” that can be used for the speech communications by the use of power
line or electric wiring already present in the home and the phase lines on the street.
It consists a transmitter and a receiver. Transmitter consists an oscillator that works at 150kHz so that carrier frequency is frequency modulated
by the use of PLL IC. Using capacitor coupling modulated signal is injected in the power line. Receiver is kept at distance of 300-500 meters that
receives the modulated signal in the PLL IC. It again consists oscillator of 150 kHz (can be varied) therefore modulated signal is demodulated
and signal is separated which is amplified by the amplifier hence audio sound of speech is produced from the speaker. There is a facility to give
visual and audio indication before speaking in the microphone.
Present system is for one way communication. For two-way communication, two transmitters and two receivers are required. Two pairs of
transmitter and receiver are tuned at slightly different frequencies such circuits can be used in colleges, schools, hospitals, industries etc.

Product Features :
Operating voltage : DC 12 V
Carrier frequency of transmitter is 140 KHz
Phase lock loop technique is used in transmitter to frequency modulate the audio signal
Frequency modulated signal is introduced in power line or phase line.
Transmitted signal is received by the power line receiver.

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