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Physics(Electronics) Expts.

Kirchhoffs laws
Operating Voltage 12V DC

Impedance of series LCR Circuit
Operating Voltage AC 12V & 24V

Bridge Rectifier
Operating Voltage 12V AC

Zener diode as voltage regulator
Operating Voltage 12V DC

Characteristics of transistor
Operating Voltage 12V DC

Temperature coefficient of Cu wire
Operating Voltage 12V DC

Transistor series regulator
Operating Voltage 12V DC

Colpitts oscillator
Operating Voltage 12V DC

Phase shift oscillator
Operating Voltage 12V DC

Operating Voltage 12V DC supply

DeMorgans theorem
Operating Voltage 12V DC

AC & DC sensitivity of CRO
Operating Voltage 12V DC & AC 12V

Constants of B.G.
Operating Voltage 12V DC

Mutual inductance by B.G.
Operating Voltage 12V DC

Carey Foster bridge-measurement of low resisitance
Operating Voltage 12V DC

Calibration of bridge wire by Griffiths method
Operating Voltage 12-o-12V Dual DC supply

Calibration of bridge wire by Griffiths method
Operating Voltage 12-o-12V Dual DC supply

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